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Welcome to Tellwell’s weekly Plog (photo-blog)!

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a white and blue striped sweater, sits at a desk holding a laptop and smiling. She is in a cozy, cluttered office space with a variety of items on the desks and shelves, including books, a lamp, and a computer monitor. Next to her, sitting on a yellow armchair, is a black and white Corgi dog with a harness. The atmosphere appears relaxed and friendly, suggesting a pet-friendly workplace.

This week, we finally had everyone back in the office (hooray!). Between matching shirts and prepping for more travel, let’s see what we’ve been up to.

Tie-dye Results

In last week’s plog, we showed the process of the team tie-dyeing shirts at our Tellwell retreat. Well, here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: the results! We had Tie-Dye Tuesday where everyone got to show off their masterpiece. It’s so fun to see the differences in color, technique, and pattern we all chose. What a colorful bunch!

A group of eleven people are gathered together in a brightly lit office space. They are all wearing colorful tie-dye T-shirts that read "Adventures Worth Sharing." Some are seated on a gray couch while others stand behind it. A TV screen in the background displays an image of one of the group members who is participating via video call. The office features modern decor, including a wall mural with trees and a neon sign that says "Tellwell." The atmosphere appears cheerful and collaborative.

The Burger Royale Teaser is Out

A triptych image divided by red diagonal lines features three distinct scenes. On the left, a man with short dark hair plays an electric guitar intensely, with a city building in the background. The middle section shows a bearded man with a serious expression, wearing a large hamburger costume complete with lettuce and sesame seed bun. On the right, a close-up captures a foot pressing down on a bass drum pedal, the drum head bearing visible marks from use. The overall composition suggests a playful and diverse urban street performance.

Remember that super cool music video we got to film? Teasers are starting to make their way into the world! This project has been so fun and unique, we can’t wait for you all to have the full thing! For now, here’s a glimpse into the final product. You can find the full teaser here.

A promotional poster for "Burger Royale: A Bite to the Death" in downtown Fargo. The background shows a cityscape with overcast skies and a wrestling ring set up in an outdoor urban area. The foreground features a large, stylized graphic of a burger with a crown and legs wearing boots. The event details are prominently displayed in bold red and teal text, with the dates "5/31 thru 6/30" highlighted in red splat shapes. The event is presented by H&M Brand Haus and Tellwell, as indicated by their logos at the bottom. The poster has a dynamic and edgy design, suggesting a fun and competitive atmosphere.

Brand & Web Design Spotlight

This week, we wanted to spotlight a few of our recent brand & web designs created by our talented graphic design team! Shout out to Britta the Photographer for this photo of a few of our design folks: Project Manager Megan, Senior Design Strategist Sandie, Storyteller in Chief Max, and Project Manager Emma!

Four people are sitting and interacting on a white couch. A man with a beard and glasses holds a laptop, smiling and talking to a red-haired woman next to him. Another woman with long hair and a backwards baseball cap is standing behind them, smiling and looking down at the group. A fourth person with shoulder-length blonde hair is seated at the end of the couch, holding a notebook. A potted plant is visible in the background.

First up is FM Aerial & Movement Arts! For this guide, there was a strong foundation for a vibrant, dynamic brand. We especially resonated with their vision of fostering a safe, supportive environment for creative expression and fitness. Click here to view the entire brand guide.

Image displaying the logo for FM Aerial & Movement Arts. The left side shows a colored version of the logo with a circular design incorporating a crescent moon and stars in shades of purple and blue, accompanied by the text 'FM aerial & movement arts'. The right side shows the same logo in white on a gradient background transitioning from deep purple to blue, resembling a night sky with stars. Above the logos, a purple banner contains the text 'FM Aerial & Movement Arts' in white.

Next up is the Guardian Inn! We not only revamped the Guardian Inn’s visual identity with modern branding elements and custom iconography but also reimagined the user experience on the website. The Guardian Inn experienced a significant boost in its visual and web presence, leading to enhanced customer engagement and solidifying its position as a premier destination for travelers in Crosby, North Dakota. Click here to view the entire project.

Homepage of the Guardian Inn website featuring an image of the inn at sunset, navigation links, and a main message promoting the inn for adventurous hunters, all displayed on a desktop monitor

Lastly for this week’s spotlight is the Red River Children’s Advocacy Center (RRCAC)! Our focus was on addressing the outdated visual elements and the poor user experience of the existing website. In the end, this elevated the brand identity and improved user experience on the new website substantially. Click here to view the entire project.

Homepage of the Red River Children’s Advocacy Center featuring a child running with a kite and a welcome message with buttons to learn more and donate, all displayed on a computer screen
That does it for this week! Keep an eye out for the next plog, coming June 7th!
Two women are working in a modern office space. The woman on the left is wearing a light-colored blouse and headphones, focused on her laptop. The woman on the right, wearing a beige baseball cap and dark pants, is holding a fluffy gray and white dog on her lap while working at a desk with dual monitors displaying various work applications. The office has large windows letting in natural light, a high ceiling, and personalized decorations on the desks and walls. The atmosphere is relaxed and pet-friendly, with a dog bed visible on the floor