We are STOKED to finally introduce our two newest team members!
Put your hands together for the one, the only…
Here’s a bit more about Linda:
What do you like to do in your free time/when you’re not at Tellwell?
When I am not writing or herding cats at Tellwell, I can usually be found hunting big game – I don’t mean live animals, I mean card games, and by card games I specifically mean Cards Against Humanity.
Someone once said, I know you love to write, but “what do you create? What do you manipulate with your hands?” My answer is fabric. When I’m not working, or writing, I love to iron (Iron, really? Yep.) And I love to sew. I love not only the feel of the material, but the smell. It’s wonderful to me to be able to see a garment, or accessory come together by using scissors, thread and a little patience.
What are you involved with in the community?

Here’s a photo of Linda taken during her first winter in Fargo when she heard the temperature in January. Just kidding — (but it’s probably not that far off).
My husband Dave and I moved here from Iowa, in 2000 when he was selected to head up downtown Fargo’s revitalization. We both have a passion for community building and have been very involved in the growth and development of both downtown Fargo and Moorhead.
What are you passionate about?
I love to write! Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, content for clients, anything! Much like my description of handling fabric, I derive great joy from crafting or editing words, then seeing a piece emerge that tells a great story.
What do you love about Fargo?
I am passionate about the arts. Theatre, dance, music, galleries, exhibitions, these are all a vital part of a healthy community and we’re lucky here in the F/M to have an abundance of amazing local arts organizations!
If you were a tree, what kind would you be?
I would be a palm tree because they bend in the wind, they’re the shape I think a tree should be (I grew up in Southern California), and they remind me of ocean and beach, sun and sand.
We’ve also welcomed the legendary…
Get to know her:
What do you like to do in your free time/when you’re not at Tellwell?
I run/bike/walk, fish, talk (all the time), admire dogs, and creep on Instagram (I’ve probably seen you before).
What were you doing before Tellwell?
In December, I graduated from Concordia College! (Whoot) In other words… before Tellwell, I spent all of my “free time” in the library, trying to get out.
What are you passionate about?
I’m most passionate about appreciating the great outdoors and connecting with people.
What do you love about Tellwell?
Everyone is as weird as I am! It’s awesome to work in a place where you can be 100% true to yourself while creating with such a tight team.
If you were a tree, what kind would you be?
I would be a pine tree because they’re green all year round (never lose their “energy”) and they remind me of growing up in Northern Minnesota.
Thanks for helping us welcome our newest Tellwellers! There’s a lot more excitement to come. Stay tuned!

Yeah, they’re rockstars.