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Content is the stuff that makes your social strategy come to life. Without good content, you’re not going to build an engaged online community. Here are Tellwell’s guiding principles when it comes to creating worthwhile content:

Be Genuine

If your company culture is young, fun and hip – show that off. If it’s not, don’t pretend to be hip and funny.  Be true to your organization.

Be Consistent

As with marketing, you want your audience to know what you’re all about. Don’t change up your tune every time an intern thinks of something cool.

Be Organic

No matter how many times you post on Facebook or Twitter, your audience will engage with the posts they believe are relevant to them. This means it sounds like it comes from somewhere other than the marketing department (even if it comes from your marketing department).

Know Your Audience

Make sure you push out content for the right person. If your content is engaging, but the people who interact with it aren’t the right customer, it might look like good content, but it’s not meeting your needs as a business.

Write Good

(It’s a joke, get it?) You need to have good writing. Do you have someone in your organization who has a way with words or can verbalize your thoughts better than you? Reach out to them if you’re stumped. If you’re going it alone and can’t write to save your soul, it may be time to hire a writer. Expensive? It could pay off in the long run.

Make it useful

Are you pushing out content about your cat? Unless it’s a page about your cat, your cute cat pictures of Snowball are useless for anyone looking for information about your business.

Short and sweet

Tell your audience what they want and need to know. Period.

Without solid content, it’s impossible to develop a social strategy. Content is like a home. The conversations that happen make a house a home and gives it purpose. The actual platforms like Facebook and Twitter are the foundation, the graphics are the paint, but the thing that makes someone’s house a more desirable place to be is the conversations that happen in and around it.

Four people sitting in a car, all smiling and laughing. The two people in the front seats are a man in a denim shirt and a woman with light brown hair wearing a green sweater. In the back seat, there is a woman with long dark hair wearing sunglasses and a Tellwell shirt, and a woman with long red hair wearing a blue sweater.

Tellwell Plog: Sept. 6th

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Welcome to Tellwell's weekly Plog (photo-blog)! With a long weekend to start us off, let’s see what Tellwell was up to! YWCA - Chocolate for Change This Thursday, we attended…
Kevin basks in the sun at the Tellwell office

Tellwell Plog: Aug. 30th

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Welcome to Tellwell's weekly Plog (photo-blog)! Barbecue and parties, books and (temporary) farewells, Tellwell kept busy this week. Read on to see what we got up to! Barbecue galore! Remember…
A person wearing a black shirt with the words 'FILM CREW' on the back is taking a photo or filming another person walking along a gravel path near a lake. The path is surrounded by tall grass, and the lake is bordered by mountains in the distance. The sky is partly cloudy, creating a scenic outdoor setting. The person being filmed is dressed casually in outdoor clothing, and a sign with historical information about the Kootenai Corridor is visible in the background.

Tellwell Plog: Aug. 23rd

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Welcome to Tellwell's weekly Plog (photo-blog)! Team Tellwell had a lot happening this week, in and out of the office! Let’s dive into this week’s happenings. Filming in Big Sky…
A pride flag waves in downtown Fargo

Tellwell Plog: Aug. 16th

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Welcome to Tellwell's weekly Plog (photo-blog)! From helping out at Pride events to enjoying some tasty hotdishes, it’s been a busy and fulfilling week at Tellwell. Let’s take a look…