Welcome to this week’s plog!
New and exciting things are happening here at Tellwell. New photoshoots and stories to tell! Including an addition to our #TeamTellwell! Let me introduce you to our new Tellwellians… Tellwellers… Teletubbies… etc

Rich Grossmen
Rich joins our team as a videographer, and has already been rising to meet the (sometimes overwhelming) video schedule we have with gusto! With a background in video storytelling for NDSU Athletics, Rich is used to a fast-paced environment and editing great stories on tight deadlines. We’re thankful to have him as part of Team Tellwell! In his free time, you can find Rich hanging with friends and family in his hometown of Detroit Lakes, or cheering on the Packers…
(we know, Vikings fans, we know!) Welcome Rich!

Mindy Walsh
Mindy joins our team as a project manager. Her warm smile and positive attitude have already created great connections with our #TellwellTribe and she is eager to continue getting to know you all! You may also know Mindy as the owner and official Cakemaster of Acres & co. In her free time, you can find Mindy playing with her big loveable dog Ted (whom you might catch on our IG), or working on her house with her husband Kevin (not our new intern or dog Kevin).
Welcome Mindy 🙂

Kevin Carr
Kevin is our Operations Intern and self-proclaimed head of IT. Through supporting our project management, operations, and storytelling crews, Kevin empowers us to share great stories. His experiences in traveling ministry and fellow #TellwellTribe’r CHARISM contribute to his “serve first” mentality, making him the ideal dude to nurture our tribe. In his free time, you might find Kevin playing softball, body pumpin’ at the Y, or smokin’ up some meat for the ultimate “dad food.”
(He’s not a dad 😉 ) Welcome Kevin!!
Guess what day it is!
Here is some behind the scenes footage of Cam the Camel teaching us a thing or two on the dance floor. This was by far one of the most interesting dance parties we have attended (and that is saying something). Even Max had the knees rocking!
Hooked on a Thielen
“We want our boys to be able to see us as role models, not just in the way we talk but in the way we’ve been blessed to have the #ThielenFoundation” – Caitlin Thielen
It was a blessing to be at 1 Million Cups this week and hear Adam and Caitlin Thielen’s hearts behind The Thielen Foundation and the worth behind the extra work they put in. Shout out to the Fargo Community Theatre for hosting this event!
What is a Tellwell plog without a mention of our office pups?
We’re excited to introduce you to two new office dogs! Firstly, we see Otis coming for a visit. Otis is Kevin’s uncle and dog to Jon & Mama Beth Kringen. You can see where Kevin gets his photogenic personality from!
Below we see Teddy, our new project manager’s pup and lover of all miscellaneous objects underneath our couches. We rank Teddy at a 13/10 must pet.