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Team Tellwell doesn’t always work for free on Saturdays. But when we do, it’s for people and causes we love.

The Cause: Heart-n-Soul Community Cafe is a pop-up cafe where you can either pay the suggested price for your meal, pay it forward, pay what you can, or volunteer in exchange for a meal. All meals are made from scratch by local chefs and farmers, using as many locally grown ingredients as they can. The aim is to provide a nourishing meal for all, while fostering a tight-night community experience. 

How awesome is that?!

The group was started a year ago by Leola Daul and a small group of friends, and is the first and only community cafe in North Dakota. And it’s growing!

The Challenge: Of course, as a small organization that is completely volunteer-run, marketing materials like branding, website, etc. aren’t always in the budget. So Tellwell partnered with Leola and the team to create some useful storytelling content for them in a fast-paced, Saturday afternoon. We called it…

The Tell-A-Thon.

A Tell-A-Thon is a one-day event wherein Team Tellwell works with a local for-good organization to provide them with pro bono storytelling material. The idea was inspired by an organization called Good for Nothing, who host similar events in Fargo (although they are usually a weekend long with a larger group, all with unique content creating talents.)

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Initial Meeting: Planning how to use 5 hours for MAXIMUM IMPACT.

This Tell-A-Thon involved spending 5 hours with the Heart-n-Soul lead team. We used the time to create things like a new logo, a website, social content templates, and other marketing materials. We visited them at Square One Kitchens where they and local farmers from Woodchuck Farms were preparing fresh biscuits, gravy and salad for the following Sunday. By that evening, we were able to launch a comprehensive refresh for Heart-N-Soul’s branding and online presence! (Check it out, here!)


Hanging with the awesome chefs at Square One Kitchens!

It was altogether a wonderful experience. Leola and Deb Kluck are amazing human beings, and the whole Heart-n-Soul team is putting in tireless work to make their dream happen. To top it off, the next day they hosted their April cafe with wonderful results. Leola reported back the next day to say it was one of their best yet, there was a consistent and diverse crowd of people coming to enjoy the meal — and their social media traffic went up (+60 likes!).

Also the food was delicious…(Thanks to Kayla Pridmore and the team from Woodchuck Farms for cooking!)


Healthy, filling, delicious.

Look for their new logo on their menus, and in their design!

Work doesn’t feel like work when you love the people you’re working with, and the cause you’re supporting. We’re so thankful for the opportunity. We look forward to having more just like it!heart-n-soul-logo-02

Do you know an organization who would benefit from a Tell-A-Thon? Let us know! Wanna be a part of a Tell-A-Thon? Let us know that too!

Want to get involved with Heart-n-Soul? Come to Terra Madre: A Celebration of Food event THIS Saturday and enjoy local foods, including some prepared by Heart-n-Soul! More about the event here (It’s gonna be great.)

(Psst… like Heart-n-Soul on Facebook and follow them on Instagram @heart_n_soulcommunitycafe!)