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With hundreds of thousands pieces of content being produced daily, cutting through the clutter to your target audiences.

1. Provide takeaways

Writing to write just doesn’t cut it anymore.  Excite, inspire and engage your audience by providing real takeaways.  Create a thought or tool that readers can put to use in all of your posts.

2. Writing the Right Title

Just getting in front of your audience is hard enough, getting them to click into your content is even tougher which underlines the importance of a perfect title.  Spend real time on thoughtfully curated titles as they are the cover of your book, and while we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, we already do.


Favorite Tool? CoSchedule Blog Post Headline Analyzer

3. Designing for Readers

Times, they are a changin’ and the content that we produce needs to match that which the reader wants to read. No longer will readers sit through screen after screen of text, rather utilize short paragraphs, bold headings, lists and relevant imagery whenever possible.

Favorite Tool? UberSuggest

4. Research is Required

Doing your research and citing relevant sources adds not only credibility to your content, but adds some serious weight to your credibility.

5. Be Passionate

If you’re not excited about your blog topic, your audience will read and feel that throughout your writing. Passion is contagious, so don’t be afraid to show some excitement and enthusiasm in your writing.  Your readers will thank you.

6. Optimize

In the evolving landscape of digital marketing, search engine optimization will always be a key tactic in making your company and content visible. Always take the time to do some research to discover the right keywords and then include them throughout your blog.

Favorite Tool? Canva

Use these tactics and your blog will be better, your audience will be more engaged and you’ll lose 20 pounds.  Ok maybe not the 20 pounds part, but implement these tactics and you’ll be good to go.