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Welcome to Tellwell’s weekly Plog (photo-blog)!

Hockey, cameras, and big ol’ calendars aplenty! Take a peek into a week in the life of Team Tellwell!

The image shows a bright yellow neon sign reading 'TELLWELL' in a speech bubble shape, mounted on a teal wall with visible wiring and a Fireline switch box attached.

This week’s writer

Howdy! I’m Jordan, Cinematographer on the film team here at Tellwell, and it’s my distinct pleasure to hijack the plog for the week! You’ll often find me behind the camera on our film shoots, where I get to work directly with our Story Makers to help bring their stories to life!

As they say, “Let’s Do That Hockey”

Our plog for the week actually began last Friday evening, as the Tellwellians invaded the Fargo Force game for a night of hockey and team bonding! Taking their lessons from Coach Megan’s Lunch-and-Learn to the arena, the team was able to fully enjoy the game even if they didn’t know much about the sport until that day!

The image shows ​a lively group photo at a sports event, featuring adults and children sitting together in the stands, smiling and enjoying the atmosphere. The crowd is visible in the background, with some holding drinks and snacks. One person in the front is wearing a black beanie with the 'Tellwell Story Co. & Studio' logo.
The image shows a digital scoreboard in an arena displaying a message reading 'WELCOME TO THE GAME' with a list of names: Fargo Freeze Hockey, Tellwell Story Co., Waconia Hockey, and Minnetonka Hockey. The scoreboard is surrounded by advertisements, including 'Corwin' and 'Weyer Companies,' and is topped with a Bell Bank logo.

Back to School!

In the world of the film team, yours truly got to spend some time back in the classroom at a local university to get a bit of filming in for an upcoming project! This time I invaded a biology class, where students were getting some hands-on experience studying the behaviors of beta fish! We’re all beyond excited to see this project come to life, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more!

A smiling person with curly hair and glasses holds a professional camera rig in a science lab. They wear a black jacket with the "Tellwell Story Co. + Studio" logo. In the background, students are seated at lab tables working on projects, with plants and lab equipment visible throughout the room. A sign on the wall reads, "No food or drink permitted in lab."
A classroom scene with students seated at lab tables, working on laptops and notebooks. A professor is at the front, gesturing while teaching in front of a chalkboard filled with notes. In the foreground, a professional camera rig captures the scene, with its monitor showing a live view of the classroom. Backpacks and jackets are draped over chairs, and science posters are displayed on the walls.
A classroom with students seated at lab tables, working on laptops and notebooks. The foreground features a professional camera monitor displaying a live view of the professor at the front of the room, teaching and gesturing in front of a chalkboard. The camera setup includes a coiled blue cable, and students are focused on their tasks in the background. Shelving and lab equipment line the walls, adding to the academic environment.

Managing Expectations

Speaking of upcoming projects, Project Manager Megan (or, The Project Manager Formerly Known as Coach Megan) spent her Saturday putting together a gigantic calendar to help keep herself and the design team ready for the year ahead! She took the time to lay out every deadline, event, and project timeline that’s currently on our plate, and color-coded everything for even further organization! Just one of the many ways our project managers go above and beyond to keep us organized and on track!

A smiling woman with long red hair, wearing a green sweater with horizontal stripes and black pants, is crouched slightly beside a large wall calendar titled "THE BIG A## CALENDAR 2025." The calendar is filled with colorful notes and markings. In front of the calendar is a table holding containers of colorful markers and pens. The background features a bright, cheerful office space with a neon "TELLWELL" sign, a blue wall with stylized trees and a campfire illustration, and comfortable seating.
A close-up of a section of a large wall calendar, showing detailed, colorful handwritten notes and tasks for the month. The notes include items like "Newsletter," "SHS Program," "Social Template Updates," and "Moodboard." A red heart with "Giving Hearts Day" written inside is drawn on the 14th, likely indicating a special event. Arrows and lines in various colors connect tasks across multiple days, showing deadlines and ongoing projects. The calendar reflects organized, creative planning.
A large wall calendar titled "The Big A## Calendar 2025" displayed in an office setting. The calendar is filled with handwritten events, appointments, and colorful notes spanning all months of the year. The surrounding environment includes a partial view of an orange filing cabinet and a modern office interior with natural light streaming in from the windows.
That wraps up this week! Keep an eye out for our next plog, coming January 24!
A close-up photo of a dog’s face. He has brown eyes with white, brown, and black fur. He is comically-close to the camera, with his nose being out of focus.