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Welcome, friends!

This is the Tellwell Plog (photo-blog), a chance for us to share with you what #TeamTellwell has been up to, showcase some of the projects we’ve been working on, and (of course) show you all the pupper love a Plog can handle!

BYOD (Bring Your Own Dessert)

On Friday afternoon we decided to kick off Re:Week by consuming an excessive amount of sugar and sweets. We hosted a little Bring Your Own Dessert bar, which honestly ended up being what most folks ate for lunch (we’re not mad about it).

Please enjoy the gallery of dessert photos below.

FM Hot Girl Walkers

(cue the Lizzo)

We’ve all seen it – it’s a scary time for the women in our life right now. Recent news about reproductive rights has been hard for a lot of folks to grasp, and our office has been no different.

Our very own Tellwellians, Megan and Katie, took it upon themselves to create a small gathering of like-minded people. After frustrations with the latest news, they decided to go on a walk… and that walk gathered more people… and it kind of became a thing. The FM Hot Girl Walkers was born.

If you want to go on Hot Girl Walks, hit up Katie or Megan and they’d be more than happy to include you. I was told to remind our audience that a Hot Girl Walk is gender-inclusive, as it is more of a mindset than an attribute.

New Signs, Who Dis

It might seem small, but this kind of stuff excites us a lot. Our building got some fancy new signage courtesy of our friends at Sign Badgers. It’s been in the works for a little bit, and we’re so pumped to see it officially on the walls!

It’s Re:Week, Baby

If you’ve been following us for a while, you might know that Tellwell is coming up on Re:Week! For us, this week is about relaxing and reenergizing ourselves with a week of rest. Our office will be closed (as in, completely closed) starting July 4th, and we’ll be returning to work on July 11th. So, there will be no Plog next week, but check in the week after to see what everyone was up to!

Thank you for checking in with us! See you next week. ????
