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Welcome, friends!

This is the Tellwell Plog (photo-blog), a chance for us to share with you what #TeamTellwell has been up to, showcase some of the projects we’ve been working on, and (of course) show you all the pupper love a Plog can handle!

Setwell – A Sandy Story

Team Tellwell has been hitting the sandy court and playing volleyball every Monday evening for the past few weeks. This week got a little competitive, but luckily no punches were thrown or beers spilled.

Big thanks to our cheerleader, CJ, for providing moral support on the sidelines.

Tellwell Across the Pond

The talented and stylish Katie Beedy took some vacation this past week and headed East to a little island across the Atlantic. I’ll kick it over to her to tell you more…

“I got to tag along with the NDSU Concert Choir on their tour of England and Wales (perks of marrying a conductor)! Over the course of nine days, we visited Cardiff, Caephilly, Bath, Bristol, Stratford-upon-Avon, Coventry, London, Stonehenge, Kenilworth, and Oxford. I saw some iconic sites, heard some beautiful music, and ate some delicious fish & chips.” – Katie

The Artistic Crime of the Century

Fargo Docs announced their final film for season 1 and launched tickets this week! We’ll be showcasing the classic documentary Man on Wire on June 8th at 7pm at the historic Fargo Theatre. Tickets are only $12, so get them while they’re available! (aka click this link right here and buy them asap)

Come on Barbie, Let’s Go Golfing

Max headed out to that great green course and teed up some golf at the MBA Annual Par Tee Golf Tournament. He really ironed out the competition; sliced his adversaries; scratched out the challengers.

Aaaaand those are all of the golf puns I could think of.

Just a lot of Dogs

Nothing special about this section, we just honestly had a lot of dog activity at the office this week and I wanted to share. The usual crew of Kevin, CJ, and Brandy got surprise visits from Irene, Duncan’s new pup, and Buster, Emma’s (maybe) new even younger pup.

Thank you for checking in with us! See you next week. ????
