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Welcome, friends!

This is the Tellwell Plog, a chance for us to share with you what #TeamTellwell has been up to, showcase some of the projects we’ve been working on, and (of course) show you all the pupper love a Plog can handle!

Re:Week Re:Cap

Happy 2021, fam! After a blissful week (and a half) away from our computers, Team Tellwell is back in action. Here’s how we spent our time off!


“Well, for Re:Week Kinsi and I went to Williston to spend time with her family. We got engaged and I got a year older. Not much else happened besides that.”
Congratulations, Devan! We love the enthusiasm.


“My Re:Week was both relaxing and productive – spending time at home in Indiana with my mom and working on our new house! My mom always makes Christmas at home extra special (even in weird times) with traditions like my great grandmother’s punch, little pizzas, and A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve!
We are slowly putting together our house! It’s been fun to furnish and decorate a house but obviously it’s a slow process. I used my break to organize some areas and decorate others! We also (cautiously) lit up our wood-burning fireplace for the first time. Overall, it was a really REfreshing week-and-a-half filled with places and people that I love.”


“Boxing Day Premiere League tradition with my dad and virtual New Years game night!”


“We took social distancing to the max and spent Christmas in a grain bin!”


“I literally have no photos, but Re:Week was very relaxing! I was able to visit my parents and spent the rest of the week in Fargo just hanging out and resting.”


“To say that our first Christmas as a married couple wasn’t what we expected would be an understatement, but we made the most of it! We baked, enjoyed the products of our baking, worked on puzzles, and took a lot of naps. When I finally decided that I HAD to get out of the house, my friends and I revisited our childhoods and participated in the ultimate COVID-friendly winter activity: sledding.”


“Over Re:Week, the Walsh family spent quality time relaxing with both sets of grandparents. We enjoyed every second spent with Hannah (who seems to be growing up way too fast), which included sledding, tractor rides, cuddles, cookie making, and many other Christmas traditions. It was a much-needed break and time of reflection on all the good that came out of 2020!”


“After a few negative COVID tests, I was able to go home and spend Christmas with Mama and Papa Kringen and the boys, Kevin and Otis!”


“My Re:Week was pretty boring. I spent a lot of time in bed catching up on my sleep deficit, enjoying not having to get up until I darn well pleased. I did some baking, some cleaning, and a little crafting. You know…your run-of-the-mill old lady stuff :)”


“I spent the holidays with family and friends that I hadn’t seen in a while, but most of the time I spent with two puppies trying to rest and relax as much as possible.”

On the Road Again…and Again…

Easing back into work after a long break? Not for Max, Rich, and Duncan! The crew dove right in on Monday morning and have spent the week traveling to Thrivent locations across the region, learning why employees love what they do.

After a brief pause to rest and recalibrate, they will be flying off to sunny New Mexico on Sunday morning to film with NTCA and Sacred Wind Communications!

?Under Construction?

SURPRISE! We are building a STUDIO! As more and more of our clients turned to virtual events in 2020, we realized how important it is for us to have an in-house space for filming, photographing, and (someday soon…) podcasting!

The studio, which is located directly below our office, will be completed this March, just in time for a busy spring season. For now, we’re pretty excited just to have walls.

Thank you for checking in with us! 

:heart: #TeamTellwell