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Welcome, friends!

This is the Tellwell Plog, a chance for us to share with you what #TeamTellwell has been up to, showcase some of the projects we’ve been working on, and (of course) show you all the pupper love a plog can handle!

Bye Bye Noah ?

It’s time for Team Tellwell to say goodbye to our Lead Creative and OG Tellwellian, Noah Kupcho. Noah has been with Tellwell from the very beginning, since before video was even a thing we knew we could do. In that time, he has helped shape and grow Tellwell into the agency we are today. He’s never stopped learning, always seeking out new tools and skills to improve his craft–a craft he’s been generous enough to share with us for five years.

In honor of his last day, we’ve rounded up some of our team’s very favorite Noah memories. Check ’em out:

“Oh man, I am so NOT good at sentimental. Noah has been such a massive part of Tellwell’s identity, and he’s the reason Tellwell’s video team is what it is today! Noah ALWAYS went above and beyond to get the job done to Tellwell’s (his) high standard, and it’s been so fun to see his skills develop over the past few years. I think everyone on our team has a fond memory of Noah involving crazy sound effects, animated storytelling, or video shoots! For me, it’s so hard to narrow down a favorite memory! He’s driven us through blizzards in Colorado (while Aaron panicked in the seat behind him), introduced us to the best gin, filmed while snowboarding down mountains, and been on more farms than we can count. Man, we are going to miss Noah (and his sound effects), but I know that our video team will continue to thrive because of the foundation that he’s built! Good luck in Montana, Light Boy! Enjoy the mountains :)” – Jayme

“I haven’t gotten to spend much time with Noah, but if I had to pick a favorite memory, it would probably be his vegetable shirt. It has okra on it! – Rosy

“As Tellwell’s first employee, Noah has seen the good, the bad, the lovely, the ugly, and the crazy sides of me. Through each up and each down, Noah has steadily pushed our team to produce the best creative we can. He has done this despite any budget constraints – which I still (kinda) love. Throughout my journey with Tellwell, Noah has been my shoulder to cry on, a sounding board for the bad ideas, and hype man for the good ones. Even though our visions did not always align, they were grounded in respect and love for each other.

While Noah is saying ‘see ya’ to this place, his creative spirit, high standards, and love for his team will be the foundation of the Tellwell house forever. Love you – Max.”

“From sharing his Chemex to answering every little question I have about video with truly astonishing patience, Noah has shown me so much kindness over the past year. I consider myself lucky to have worked with and learned from him!” – Katie

“One time on the way back from Ellendale, Noah bought a chicken salad sandwich at a gas station. As he was driving, this sandwich was spilling everywhere and making the most disgusting noises while he was trying to eat it, and the rest of us were loving every part of it!” – Rich

“This photo was from my first shoot with Noah and the first time we got to really connect! We all had a blast on the car ride to and from Park Rapids, eating gas station snacks for lunch and talking about life. I specifically remember around the time Brooke found out she was pregnant because he started asking tons of questions! Secretly I knew they were probably expecting. 🙂 I’m sure going to miss his kind soul and his way of so easily connecting with those around him!”- Mindy

“Here’s to one of the best co-workers, friends, and role models I’ve ever had! I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with, learn from, and goof-off with someone like Noah! Here’s to all the after-hour karate sessions had and the ones to come! You’ve kicked your fair share of ass here in Fargo, can’t wait to see how much more you do out in Helena! And, I guess it looks like I’m in charge now.” -Riley

Cheers to your next adventure, Noah! We will miss you, but remember–you’ll always have a home here at Tellwell. ?