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If a picture is worth a thousand words, 

Why write a blog when you can make a plog!

We’re bringin’ back the Tellwell Plog! A place where we collect and share with you all the behind-the-scenes work of telling great stories! A lot of great stuff has happened recently, take a look:

We celebrated Tellwell alum Grace (Bateman) Ulven’s beautiful wedding!

It was a blast celebrating her on her special day and busting moves on the dance floor (photos not included)

We’ve also been telling the story of Moorhead with a few local rock stars, like Mayor Judd! Video coming soon… 

This past week had one of our (several) favorite holidays of the year!

June 7th is National Donut Day!

(not to get confused with the OTHER national donut day of November 5th)

Calories don’t count on holidays, right?

Last, and certainly not least, we’ve been soaking up the sun with some Arthur Companies outdoor filming!

We hope your week has been as chill as Jayme’s dog Paddington in Montana

Thanks for following along!

Team Tellwell