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Welcome to Tellwell’s weekly Plog (photo-blog)!

From traveling to attending local events, it was an eventful week. Let’s dive into what we did!

Two men standing in a grassy field, holding camera equipment, with the sun setting behind them, casting a golden glow. A valley with trees and distant mountains is visible in the background.

Local filming

This week, we wrapped filming for one of three films with a local university! With one production finished, we can’t wait to see how the next two turn out.

Being able to see so many locations throughout the community has been fun. Along with this, directing talent on camera, getting those perfect shots, and having fun throughout the whole process has been a plus. You should be seeing this project very soon on a TV near you!

Film crew setting up camera, microphone, and lighting equipment while two women sit on a stone bench talking on a university campus. Trees and a building are visible in the background.
Group of film crew members setting up camera equipment on stadium bleachers, with two others observing. A red and white track and field is visible in the background, along with a 'Dragon Wagon van.

Back in Big Sky country

I guess the film team couldn’t get enough of Montana, because they’re back again!

This week, we spent a few days filming content for commercials and impact films. Between interviews, filming, and photography, we made sure to soak in the beauty of Montana and had some fun along the way.

A person wearing a black 'FILM CREW' shirt stands in a field of tall, golden grass, holding a camera while looking out toward a distant tree line during sunrise or sunset.
A woman in a wide-brimmed hat stands in a stable holding a small horse on a purple lead, with multiple cameras and a boom microphone set up around her for a film shoot.
An outdoor patio with a wooden table displaying a binder titled 'Kenyon Noble Fall 2024 Film Shoot' and a laptop. In the background, trees, fields, and mountains are visible under a clear blue sky.

Friday morning learning

This Friday, our team attended Creative Mornings at the Plains Art Museum! This event featured Nathan M Hanson, who has developed The Art of Relaxation which is a unique and accessible approach to mindfulness and stress reduction. Hanson is just one of many speakers who are part of the theme, “Reflection.”

We value continued learning here at Tellwell, so what better way to start your Friday than with an excellent speaker?

Secret project updates??

We’ve hinted at some SUPER exciting plans here at Tellwell and it’s officially underway!

You’ll have to keep an eye out for more details and clues as the months pass. Let’s just say, we’re MOVING and grooving with this new project.

A group of people stands inside a large, empty industrial space with concrete walls and exposed beams. A person in a purple sweater gestures while speaking to the group.
A group of four people stands in a large, industrial room with concrete walls and an exposed ceiling full of ducts and pipes. One person in a purple sweater appears to be leading the discussion.
That wraps up this week! Keep an eye out for our next plog, coming October 4th!
Two people in blue and orange astronaut costumes stand back-to-back outside a building labeled 'NORTH,' while a person in a black hoodie gestures toward them.