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Welcome, friends!

This is the Tellwell Plog, a chance for us to share with you what #TeamTellwell has been up to, showcase some of the projects we’ve been working on, and (of course) show you all the pupper love a plog can handle! 

The 5 Stages of Pupper Grief

The past two weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions for pupper Kevin, as his dad Max has been out of the country. After all, 14 days in hooman time is about 3 years in pupper time. Here are the 5 stages of pupper grief Kevin has exhibited.

1. Denial

At this stage, the pupper will show signs of confusion and delusion. Thinking to himself, “Oh, my hooman will be back in a few minutes!” or, “my hooman would never leave me alone! I’m sure they were just kidding about leaving the country!”

2. Worry

In this stage, the pupper will show signs of frustration and fear. Here you can see Kevin frantically informing everyone in the office that is hooman has gone missing.


In this stage, the pupper will show signs of forgetting his former hooman’s existence and accepting a new hooman as its own. Although this stage is the shortest of the five, it is incredibly impactful for the pupper.

4. Distraction

In this stage, the pupper will use any form of distraction to take his mind off of his favorite hooman, Max. Unfortunately, this causes the rest of the office to also be distracted.

5. Acceptance

In this final stage of grief, the pupper shows signs of understanding and patiently awaits his hooman’s return. “Come home soon, Max,” he barks, “I’ll be right here waiting.”

On behalf of all of Tellwell, Max, PLEASE COME HOME.

It ain’t easy being  cheesy ? 

Happy National String Cheese Day! As you can see, string cheese is an integral part of the Tellwell diet.

A Plog about a Blog!

Our very own writer extraordinaire, Katie Beedy, took a moment to elaborate on what exactly makes Tellwell, Tellwell! Our eight Core Norms are what drive us to lift our team and our tribe up to their fullest potential. Take a look at our first Core Norm: “Tell a Great Story!”

Thank you for checking in with us!

:heart: #TeamTellwell